Funding for Practice-Based Research on Teaching and Learning: the Review Process | Skolforskningsinstitutet

Funding for Practice-Based Research on Teaching and Learning: the Review Process

The Swedish Institute for Educational Research finances practice-based research on teaching and learning in preschools and schools. Projects funded by the Institute should primarily focus on ways of developing and improving teaching to promote children's and student's learning and development. In other words, relevance to teacher's, school head's and other school staff's everyday challenges is highly important and will be weighted equally with the scientific quality of the projects.

In addition to strong relevance, the Swedish Institute for Educational Research requires the same level of scientific rigor as other Swedish research councils.

The review process

Applications are reviewed in two steps. The first step is performed at the Institute and exclusively concerns formal requirements. The second step is a regular peer review process by a group of external researchers. The review in this step concerns both relevance and scientific rigor.

Review criteria ­– ­step 1

  • Control of the formal requirements and reporting of participating pre-schools or schools

Review fields – step 2

  • Scientific quality
  • Relevance
  • Feasibility including competences in the research group
  • Plans for mediating the results (obligatory) and plans for implementation of the results (not obligatory)
  • Gender and diversity aspects
  • Ethical aspects

Applications are made in Prisma and may be written in English.

Important dates 2019

Call opened on 13 March at 14:00.

Call closed on 8 May at 14:00.

Decision on who will be rewarded funding will be made late October.

The decision will be made public early November.

For further information please contact